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In the late 1980s, when we've decided to create Prarex, we did so on the perception that the world was preparing to take a leap towards a transformation of its political, economic and social structures.


The organizations that until that moment contained the development of the world and the people, experienced more frequent crises being unable to provide for the new logistical requirements and methodological demands.


Strategists and analysts, faced with the evolution of human thought towards a global vision, understood that the market and free enterprise should occupy the place left by the structures that were crumbling. The market economy was challenged and in jeopardy.

The religious, cultural, and idiomatic attributes of each society are barriers when it comes to acting if we are not capable of generating actions that can be interpreted by the people who make up the market in which it is trying to act.


There are no universally valid strategies, what works in one place does not necessarily work in another place or market. Not even within the same country and with identical laws. Based on this concept and contrary to the corporate trend of controlling more and more business units and placing them under the same rigid management control avoided from reality, we understood that we should constitute ourselves in an action unit capable of developing strategies and putting them into action adapted to the environment, quickly and efficiently, attending to the proposed objective.


It was necessary to think differently, matching the needs and objectives of large structures and the demands of the market making it possible to overcome the pitfalls and fears that the new bureaucracies were self-imposing to preserve themselves.


We create legal, financial, economic and management solutions that allow us to develop investment projects with limited risk and that could be assimilated by credit institutions and the market.


By innovating in the use of existing instruments and intangible products, an adequate use to satisfy the needs and requirements of the actors involved is achieved. Acting on the organizational side through strategic alliances with sophisticated groups that understand the requirements of each market we become a tool capable of thinking, organizing and developing an efficient task.


When you consider the introduction to a new market, the development of your business towards realities other than the ones you are used to, think on us. We can do what you need, quickly, efficiently, with limited risk and fundamentally at variable cost for your organization. What would it be imposed on you to distract or modify your current resource structure, to grow or improve your presence in response to the globalization process, we can do it independently and without trauma.


Give us your objectives and we will design the strategy, financial, human and technical resources; the action plan and management control at variable cost. Our greatest aptitude, commitment and responsibility in managing your assets and objectives is to put at your service a highly sophisticated tool and a great disposition to work.

"We are working people"

In order to satisfy the demand, new and bigger structures were growing and a completely new process started, without any precedent in history, of concentration of people and assets under one single organisation, which brought about fresh challenges and problems.


This was the answer to a new human need, and the movement we saw was the effort of companies and the market to adapt to the new situation.


The new structures gained unimaginable values ​​on their books, they had amounts of resources never considered before, they originated bureaucratic organizational charts that were difficult to handle, they had a global presence in places before or dreamed of, but lacking flexibility, efficiency, speed and no longer could effectively face the constant changes of scenarios. Contrary to what the gurus predicted, and the management schools indicated as a management exercise, and which imposed the trend of continuing to grow bigger, we understood that it was time to have a multidisciplinary, innovative, flexible and adaptable organization. A new reality.


Decentralized units of action had to be created to interpret the different situations depending on the place where they had to act, bearing in mind that globalization is not uniformity. The perspective towards a state of globalizing thought from the purely human needs in the contingency itself, was the challenge, and one had to act with the elements that the environment provided.

We are working people, try us!


Raúl Rubén Zenón

Managing Director

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